
Sunday 1 October 2017

Judwaa2- No Cheap Thrill Please


I was expecting nothing but slapstick comedy and pure nonsensical fun, nevertheless fun. However, those realistic expectations crashed as well. 20 years later David Dhawan decides to make Judwaa 2 casting his own Son Varun Dhawan, who really didn’t need a launch pad anymore, but what a disappointment it is. This movie feels like it is from the 90’s - the ‘masala movies” as I call it, purely made with the intent of fleeting entertainment – take us to a location abroad, add a few songs, the heroine has to wear skimpy clothes, a few stunts, a dose of Johnny Lever or some comedian and maybe a few crass jokes, you see we are in an escapism mode. Fastforward 20 years, the audiences have far more spending power, we have low cost fringe airlines too!, we have the Internet you see! we are in a better place with far more options and call us the mature audiences- we are smart!!...By the way the multiplex audiences pays an average INR 500 + GST to watch the movie on a weekend and I hope moviemakers start understanding what “value for money” is.  Maybe this movie is for Tier III and Village Audiences, as it may only appeal to less educated in remote places. The movie is like Version 2 of Judwaa, so I get it, but how about adapting it to the times we are in, what makes something funny for this audience and this era?

The story is about conjoint twins Prem and Raja who are separated at birth but are connected through reflexes (apparently one in 5 million cases according to the doctor in the movie -of course!).  Their rich father befriends a nice man on a plane who actually turns out to be a smuggler who uses him to escape the Police but then he doesn't quite.  The smuggler Charles is on a run and holds one baby hostage,(Raja) who is later assumed killed by him but actually survives and is rescued by a slum dweller. Raja  grows to be a strong and fierce “Basti Ka Chokra” ( a young slum dweller) who will take “panga” (foolhardy behaviour) with anyone. While Prem moves with his family to London and grows up to be a weak wuss who plays music. The plot is around how the twins are united and the miscreants are punished and all is well. However, I feel nothing is well in this one. I feel really bad for Varun Dhawan, I have truly liked his work. He has a Star-like quality and so much mass appeal that the audiences welcome his entry , just as they do for Shahrukh Khan. Both Jaqueline and Tapasee are mere “female objects” who have exactly signed up for that purpose. I have begun to think that Jaqueline is happy where she is and doesn’t really care for a anything meaningful, she is exactly the same as I have the reviewed her in her last movie (A Gentleman)  she is NO DIFFERENT in any of her films and she really seems content with dancing around each time and coming across unintelligent. I didn’t expect this from Tapasee, and I hope she had a good reason to sign this, is this the same girl from PINK and Naam Shabana?.  When did a man forcing himself on a woman/ spanking her become cool and lovable and this is what crass cinema shows you . No sane woman wants to be spanked, stalked and spoken pompously to, this is not cool, neither comic. It’s high time we take a close look at what we call entertainment, think a little deeper what are we ready to be ok with. This movie is what I call cheap= low intelligence on a high budget. You can make slapstick comedy and make it fun and sensible. Please watch Jaane Bhi Do Yaroon - My Number One Movie! there cannot be a more entertaining and fun movie, perhaps without having such budgets. I really hope director Kundan Shah never retires and makes one more like that some time

Everything about this movie is trite, the plot, script and even re-used songs from Judwaa (90’s). Also the relentless show of the London Eye and the London Bridge, as if to prove multiple times that this movie was shot in London. I was bored and irritated and DISTURBED. I hope Varun and Tapasee work on more meaningful cinema and this was perhaps just one mistake. 

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