
Sunday 27 September 2015

The Intern, Turned out Pretty good!

Pic Source: IMDB

I have obviously loved this movie so much that I couldn’t wait to drive back home and start writing about it. This workplace comedy is a must watch, with a very strong script and excellent actors. The fact that Nancy Meyers also has scripted this movie was of no surprise; her direction has no gaps in the onscreen visual interpretation.  The casting of the movie couldn’t have been better, with Robert De Niro who is surely an actor par excellence and Anne Hathaway is indispensable too, although she had apparently replaced Reese Witherspoon, who was originally casted to play her role.

Robert De Niro must have this particular role close to his heart, with his own popular quote “You'll have time to rest when you're dead”; he plays the role of Ben Whittaker a widowed, retired 70yr old ex VP of a company who is looking to make his boring life more meaningful. Ben lands an internship at an e-commerce startup run by Jules Ostin(Anne Hathaway) under a senior internship program. The character of Jules is that of a perfectionist feminist CEO who is trying hard to run her company on one hand and keeping her family together on the other.

The story highlights the passion for work of the two central characters of the movie and beautifully showcases nuances of work cultures of two different generations. I must add here, there is a bit of the exaggeration though, depicting an overly glamorous startup setup (or maybe I am jealous, everyones' got a MAC, including interns), however, this bit is innocuous to the central theme of the movie. It is refreshing to a watch a movie that has no unnecessary infusion of romance, the relationship between Ben and Jules is that of two people who have similar values. Ben finds his purpose by helping Jules center/ balance her life and achieve her goals without sacrificing her passion.

The  comical plots of this movie are hilarious, especially the one where Ben and a group of interns housebreak in to Jules mom’s house to delete an email from her computer. The secondary characters of this movie are well characterized and give you many laughs and awws!.The funny feminist comments and dialogues of Jules took my heart away. I must mention, this movie wasn’t patriotic, or had an heroic ending, yet there was a huge applause from the audience as the movie ended. Truly well made! 


  1. nice review.!!! @rachna di..keep going:)

    1. Thanks Dhir, I am waiting your first movie, may be I will write the script too!! ;)

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  4. Lovely description ..will definitely watch it after reading this review...thanks!

    1. Thanks a lot Sohini...I wish I could say lets watch it together!...visit you soon!:)
